Hemorrhoid Cures

Where to Find the Best Hemorrhoid Cures

It’s possible to identify the most effective hemorrhoid cure, but the results vary depending on your health, age, and willingness to try various remedies when finding the solution that is best for you. Hemorrhoids can be very troublesome to treat but with a little research, you will find the cure that works for you.

Hemorrhoid CuresTypically, hemorrhoid sufferers find great relief in topical medications found over-the-counter at pharmacies. For others, surgery is the best option for a cure, especially if the hemorrhoid case in question is considered severe. No matter how severe the case of hemorrhoids is, surgery is always risky.

Another option is to rely on alternative hemorrhoid-cure methods. These treatments use herbs as a way to heal hemorrhoids, which is less risky than surgery and over-the-counter treatments and does not cause as many adverse side effects. If you plan to use alternative treatment options, note that using herbal or all-natural ingredients is more of an ongoing strategy than a one week cure-all. Even though it may take a little longer to solve the problem, herbal remedies can provide permanent hemorrhoid cures.

At-Home Remedies

Overall, many home remedies can provide a permanent cure for hemorrhoids. Some hemorrhoid remedies include the use of hydroxyethylrutosides, horse chestnut, hyssops, flavonoids and rutin. These herbs can be found at most health stores and online. They are effective in combating both internal and external hemorrhoids. Another effective at-home treatment are essential oils. The more popular varieties are cypress oil, pelargonium, Italian cypress, and niaouli. A new essential oil that is gaining popularity is Japanese pagoda extract, a recognized cure for hemorrhoids.


Fruits are one of the best cures for hemorrhoids available. Most fruits are high in fiber and help balance a healthy, nutritious diet. This can be very beneficial to those who suffer from hemorrhoids. By combining the addition or increase in fruit to your diet with other hemorrhoid treatment methods, you can greatly relieve symptoms.

Fruits aid in the digestive process and prevent constipation. They allow for softer bowel movements, thus preventing pressure on the anal veins when eliminating. Since the main reason for hemorrhoids is added pressure from straining, ingesting fruit on a regular basis can be a great assistant when looking for a hemorrhoid cure.

The antioxidants in fruits increase the strength of your veins and allow them to become more resistant to swelling. Almost all fruits are great for health, but hemorrhoid sufferers should concentrate on raisins, blackberries, red grapes, plums, cherries, and prunes. Darker colored fruits are better to treat hemorrhoids and provide a better cure.

VitaminsHemorrhoid Cures

Vitamins offer antioxidant properties and, when combined with other remedies, can cure hemorrhoids. Antioxidants are great for the body because they strengthen body tissues and increase the resistance of blood vessels. Vitamins potent and effective in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids include vitamins A, B, and C.

Recommended dosages include two to three intakes per day. Always talk to your doctor before you begin taking a vitamin supplement. Another option is to eat more foods that contain these vitamins. Eating vegetables and fruits like carrots, spinach, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, and kale can be very effective.

If you choose to take a vitamin supplement, consult your doctor before you start to ensure that it will not negatively interact with any current medication you take.

Dealing With Hemorrhoids

Treating Hemorrhoids at Home

You can treat hemorrhoids at home using sitz baths and products that contain witch hazel in combination with other inexpensive remedies. If you feel very sensitive, you can use baby wipes to clean the area.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a great way to treat the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. This natural ingredient also helps to dramatically shrink the size of hemorrhoids and brings temporary relief. You can apply witch hazel through a sitz bath or directly, using a cotton ball for at least a few minutes.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is another inexpensive home treatment for hemorrhoids. This oil helps reduce itching and swelling. Never apply olive oil internally, only to hemorrhoids that are considered external.

Sitz Bath

Dealing With HemorrhoidsMany people are surprised to learn that simple water can soothe many of the discomforts of hemorrhoids. Soak the rectum for 10 minutes every day. After soaking, use cold compresses on the area to reduce swelling. To properly soak the area, you may need to invest in a sitz bath basin.

If you are suffering from a flare up of symptoms, soak in a sitz bath for 10 minutes several times per day, then apply a cold compress to the inflamed area for additional relief. Another option is to sit in a warm bath while keeping the knees elevated. The warm water can help ease inflammation and irritation. Slightly warm water increases blood flow to the area, which in turn keeps pain and swelling to a minimum. This combination keeps symptoms under control to allow healing.

In many cases, you can treat hemorrhoids at home. In some cases, it is not even necessary to see a doctor, especially if your symptoms are minor. However, if you have chronic hemorrhoids, keep remedies on hand; this lets you treat symptoms as soon as they begin. Starting treatment right away increases the chances to successfully treat your specific hemorrhoid needs at home.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids – An Overview

Bleeding Hemorrhoids & What To Do About Them

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - An OverviewHemorrhoids are a medical condition in which the blood vessels in and around the rectal area are stressed or strained. This results in pain, itching, irritation, or other discomfort. Hemorrhoids, also called hemroids, sometimes cause bleeding, which tends to occur when one passes a stool. It may be alarming to see blood streaked in one’s stool, but it is important to remain calm. There are hemorrhoid remedies that can help.

Nature of the Condition

Bleeding is typically associated with internal hemorrhoids. This is because external hemorrhoids do not typically bleed. Even though most doctors associate bloody stools with internal hemorrhoids, there are other conditions that may behave in this manner, such as anal fissures and anal cancer. If you see blood during the passing of stool or at the end of a bowel movement, it is typically a case of hemorrhoids.

If the condition continues to worsen, hemorrhoids can become thrombosed, where blood becomes clotted inside the hemorrhoid. This leads to the hemorrhoid protruding from the anus. The resulting swelling is often accompanied by pain and itching. The bleeding occurring with hemorrhoids typically results from the squeezing motion and friction of straining to pass a hard bowel movement when one is constipated.

Very rarely does excessive bleeding occur. Also very rare is anemia associated and treated with hemorrhoids. If you feel extreme pain or have severe bleeding at any time, seek medical care immediately.

How to Tell if  you have Bleeding Hemorrhoids

The most obvious indicator of bleeding hemorrhoids is blood in the stool. There are additional indicators that let you determine whether it is blood from hemorrhoids or something else.

First, look at the blood and determine its color. Is the blood red, brown, or black? Blood from a bleeding hemorrhoid will always be red because it is fresh. If the blood is brown or black, it could be a more serious condition and you should see your doctor right away.

Never ignore or brush off rectal bleeding, even if it is due to a bleeding hemorrhoid. In all cases of rectal bleeding, see a doctor. This is because it could be a sign of a more serious condition, such as, anal fissures, torn tissue, or an infection. The doctor will use a scope to examine your rectum and colon in order to determine the origin of the bleeding.

Doctors can confirm whether the blood is in fact coming from a bleeding hemorrhoid or something more. They will also let you know if the treatment you are using is effective.

Bleeding Hemorrhoid TreatmentsBleeding Hemorrhoids - An Overview

What can you do about bleeding hemorrhoids? Several types of hemorrhoid cures are available that can help you feel more comfortable in a very short period of time.


One of the most available treatments to improve comfort is hemorrhoid cream. Creams and ointments can help reduce swelling, itching, and tenderness associated with bleeding hemorrhoids.


Sclerotherapy is an injection or series of injections inserted into the tissue of the hemorrhoid. These injections contain chemicals that help dissolve and remove hemorrhoids. But this treatment does not prevent the eventual recurrence of hemorrhoids.

Rubber Banding, or Surgery

In rubber band therapy, doctors cut off the blood supply to bleeding hemorrhoids. After the blood supply is cut off, the hemorrhoid should wither away, fall off, and be expelled during a bowel movement. While this procedure has a high success rate, it can be very painful because of the squeezing. More advanced cases of hemorrhoids may require surgery. However, a hemorrhoidectomy is typically a last resort after all other options have been tried. As expected, surgery is a risky procedure, only considered in cases of a severely bleeding hemorrhoid.

Pregnancy & Hemorrhoids

Pregnancy & Hemorrhoids: an Overview

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that can develop during pregnancy. The reasons for their development are fairly simple. Hemorrhoids can occur when there is prolonged pressure on the veins in the rectal area. The weight of the developing fetus strains these veins to the point that they can easily become hemorrhoids. This is most common in the third trimester when the baby reaches its maximum weight.

Pregnancy & HemorrhoidsBeyond the weight of the baby, other factors can cause the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The pregnancy hormone, progesterone, can soften the walls of the rectum, making it easier for hemorrhoids to develop. It is also common for pregnant women to develop constipation. This results in straining while eliminating waste during bowel movements, which also can lead to hemorrhoids.

When hemorrhoids do develop, most women experience itching or pain in the area. Sometimes the hemorrhoid is visible and looks like inflamed tissue that looks a lot like a blister. Some women experience bleeding hemorrhoids, which occurs when the tissue lacerates. Also, varicose veins, which are similar to hemorrhoids, may occur in the legs.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

A large number of different treatment options are available for hemorrhoid sufferers during pregnancy. It is essential to eat a diet rich in fiber and high in fluids, both of which aid in the overall health of the bowels and the prevention of constipation.

Pregnant women typically use sitz baths to treat hemorrhoids , where they can sit in warm water that soaks the area around the anus. This helps relieve the symptoms typical of hemorrhoids. Other alternatives are cold compresses or ice packs. These have a very soothing effect, and pregnant women typically use them to greatly reduce the swelling and pain associated with hemorrhoids.

A great majority of pregnant women have reported success when using hemorrhoid pads, like Tucks. However, use great caution with any hemorrhoid treatment method because some can result in complications. Always consult your doctor before resorting to any form of hemorrhoid relief treatment.

One of the most popular treatments for pregnant women is a witch hazel pad. Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can relieve swelling and inflammation. While the pads are effective for some women, others have reported a worsening of their condition. 

Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles in the vaginal and rectal areas and can prevent hemorrhoids. Studies have shown that these same exercises help treat hemorrhoids by improving circulation in the rectal area and making it less likely that blood pool and swelling will occur.

It can be extremely disheartening to develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, especially if the woman is experiencing a difficult one. However, it is quite common and is not a threat to the baby’s health or the mother’s.

Even though hemorrhoids are a common problem that occur in pregnant women, consult with your doctor, so you can be sure that the condition is in fact hemorrhoids. Your doctor can make sure that they don’t develop into a more serious condition or become extremely uncomfortable.

Internal Hemorrhoid Cures

Internal Hemorrhoid Medication

Internal hemorrhoids develop inside the anal canal and are considered live tissue. They are not visible or noticeable until they become saggy. This leads to their protruding from the anus, and then they become visible. Once they have exited the rectum area and become visible, they are considered prolapsed hemorrhoids. The main cause of internal hemorrhoids are excess stress and straining in the veins located in the rectum. External hemorrhoids are also caused in this manner. Unfortunately, because of the great stress and straining, blood loss can occur with internal hemorrhoids, a condition known as bleeding hemorrhoids.

A wide variety of medications can effectively treat hemorrhoid symptoms, . Internal hemorrhoid medications are divided into three categories:

  • Dietary Changes
  • Over-the-Counter Medicines
  • Herbal Remedies

Changing your Eating Habits – Internal Hemorrhoid Medication

A diet high in fiber is one of the best treatments for internal hemorrhoids. Besides treating the internal hemorrhoids, a fiber-rich diet improves the ease of passing bowel movements by making them soft. This in turn prevents undue stress on sensitive rectal veins that lead to hemorrhoids.Internal Hemorrhoid Cures

If you prefer natural dietary fiber, fresh fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains are a great way to increase dietary fiber. Also a great method is to add a fiber supplement to the diet.  Fiber supplements must be taken before bedtime, rather than in the morning.

It is very beneficial to use a good diet to naturally avoid and treat hemorrhoids . Fiber is a natural antioxidant which helps boost the body’s immunity. Antioxidants fend off free radicals which are absorbed into the body and can cause cancer.

Some edible hemorrhoid treatment supplements contain flavonoid, which aids in reducing inflammation. This helps calm internal hemorrhoids as well as provides relief from the itching, discomfort, and inflammation.

An internal hemorrhoid medication, called Daflon, is a nutritional supplement that can greatly improve internal hemorrhoid conditions.

Over-the-Counter Medicine for Internal Hemorrhoids

You can easily access a wide variety of over-the-counter hemorrhoid medications. There are an overwhelming number of brands and applications available. Over-the-counter medications for internal hemorrhoids can provide temporary relief from annoying symptoms, such as itching, discomfort, and inflamed skin.

Internal Hemorrhoid CuresMost internal hemorrhoid medications are topical corticosteroid creams or ointments that work to reduce itchiness. These products tend to thicken the skin. Topical anesthetics are also available that numb the affected area and lessen the overall negative sensations associated with the condition. When looking for a local anesthetic, try to find the popular 5% lidocaine ointment. It’s great at relieving the pain and discomfort associated with internal hemorrhoids.

This treatment is not recommended for long-term use because of its side effects. Also recommended are alternative medications that contain anusol, surfak, colace, and medicated wipes, like Tucks.

Using Home or Herbal Remedies for Internal Hemorrhoids

You can use herbal remedies to treat hemorrhoids. Typical remedies include aloe vera gel, witch hazel, butcher’s broom extract, dandelion extract, and psyllium. All of these are known to fight hemorrhoids and act as effective primary or secondary medications that treat internal ones. Herbal remedies have reduced side effects. If you’re pregnant or suffer from cardiovascular diseases, seek professional advice before trying herbal remedies, since they can cause negative side effects in these situations.

Treatment Options

Finding the Best Hemorrhoid Treatments

To find the best hemorrhoid treatments, look for: effectiveness, safety , side effects, and cost. Also, notice if the brand is trusted and meets customer needs as well as has helpful customer service.

There are many people in the world searching for the best brand of hemorrhoid product, but more importantly: which brand is right for you?

Here are the key factors to consider to determine if a product meets your needs:

  • Effectiveness
  • Speed of Results
  • Quality of Ingredients
  • Product Safety
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Feedback
  • Reorder Rate
  • Return Policy
  • Success Rate

Product Safety

The most important criteria for a hemorrhoid treatment is its safety. Only use products that have been fully tested to meet safety expectations. Also, only products tested in certified labs are reviewed.


Second on the list is, of course, the product’s effectiveness. Effectiveness is the main reason to use a particular treatment. Only products that have proved themselves effective and that give fast relief are recommended.


Only reasonably priced products are recommended, products that are not only affordable but easy to accommodate. Such recommended products are not out of reach because of the price.

Customer Service

All recommended products are backed by a great customer service team ready to assist you with the best customer care.

Shipping TimeHemClear2

When buying a product to heal and lessen the pain of hemorrhoids, you don’t want to wait around. All recommended products come from companies that offer fast shipping to heal you more quickly.

The Results are in…

HemClear shows itself superior over the competition in the 20 top hemorrhoid products for all categories. Hemclear is the most effective with the highest quality composition of ingredients, excellent customer service, the highest customer satisfaction rate, the quickest shipping time, and the best value for the price.

This gives HemClear a # 1 ranking from 2009 to 2011 out of all reviewed treatment options.

How does HemClear work?

HemClear eliminates hemorrhoids by working through the bloodstream to relieve pain and itchiness from within. HemClear requires no long forms to fill out and will arrive on time.

Treating Hemorrhoids with Diet

Diet Treatments for Hemorrhoids

Hectic schedules and fast foods have caused many people to adopt insufficiently healthy diets. Such diets do not contain the proper nutrients to maintain a healthy body. Such a diet can lead to an increase in the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea, which ultimately may lead to hemorrhoids. A healthy diet is the key to preventing hemorrhoids and alleviating the symptoms if the condition has already developed.

Components of a Healthy Diet

Healthy Diet TreatmentsA healthy diet prevents hemorrhoids and can relieve symptoms of hemorrhoids that may already exist, since a healthy diet includes sufficient fiber intake. High levels of fiber in the diet let stools stay soft and pass easily. This prevents constipation and the development of hemorrhoids. A diet with sufficient amounts of fiber includes whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables, all of which improve bowel health.

A rule of thumb when looking for foods rich in fiber and that aid good digestion is to look for foods that begin with the letter “P”: papaya, pears, peas, prunes, and psyllium are all rich in insoluble fiber. That helps create bulk in the stool, which then helps the stool pass easily out of the body. Other “P” foods that contain complex carbohydrates and improve bowel health include potatoes and pasta. Remember that foods rich in complex carbohydrates also make the digestive system healthier. All of these foods help prevent constipation, which in effect prevents hemorrhoids.

Foods rich in flavonoids are also very important for preventing hemorrhoids. Flavonoids are well known for preventing cellular damage. Selenium and Vitamins C and E are effective antioxidants that can prevent hemorrhoids and combat existing ones. Fruits and vegetables that are red, purple, and blue in color contain antioxidants that are very helpful in preventing hemorrhoids. Other substances that are high in antioxidants include:Healthy Diet Treatments

  • Grapes
  • Berries
  • Green and white tea
  • Chocolate
  • Red wine
  • Some beers

Calcium and magnesium are two of the main minerals that you can ingest as supplements to prevent hemorrhoids and alleviate symptoms of existing hemorrhoids. Calcium prevents blood clots and is found in many hemorrhoid treatments. It is also well-known that antioxidants promote healthy cells.

Vitamin B6 and pyridoxine are two substances that play an important role in preventing hemorrhoid development. They relieve rectal stress and, in this way, alleviate a major cause of hemorrhoids. They are commonly found in popular treatments on the market today.

It is easy to eat a healthy diet, and it can have a dramatic effect on hemorrhoids and their development. Always eat a well-balanced diet that contains a high amount of nutrients. Not only can it treat existing hemorrhoids, but it can also prevent the development of future hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoid Symptoms: Main Characteristics

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorids, are the medical condition where the normal blood vessels in the rectum become spongy and blood-filled. This occurs inside the walls of the rectum. At this point, the blood vessels become sensitive, inflamed, and even bleed. There is no one description of hemorrhoids, nor is there “one size fits all” for the diagnosis. Each patient has his or her own experience with the problem. Symptoms of hemorrhoids vary from case to case and can also differ depending on the type of hemorrhoids and their severity.

There are two main types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. Not all cases that look like hemorrhoids are actually hemorrhoids. Some conditions, like anal fissures, appear with similar symptoms. Anal fissures, like hemorrhoids, also appear with abscesses, itching, sensitivity, and burning in the rectal area.

Below are the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Make sure that the symptoms you have are in fact hemorrhoids and not another condition that could be more serious.


Hemorrhoid SymptomsPatients who suffer from hemorrhoids typically report the most obvious side effect is pain. Hemorrhoid sufferers experience pain around the rectal walls when they change positions. Different positions known to cause varying degrees of pain are sitting, standing, and walking.

Patients also note that the dryer their bowel movements are, the more pain they experience. Check for different hemorrhoid relief options to help remedy the pain and treat the other symptoms surrounding the condition.


A common hemorrhoid symptom is discomfort. Generally, you will experience some level of discomfort in the anal region. The discomfort may be persistent or intermittent. The discomfort usually worsens during excretion.


Another common symptom is swelling in the rectal veins. This comes from increased friction, pressure, and straining during excretion. Other reasons for swelling are lifting heavy weights or loads and being overweight, pregnant, or aging. Using hemorrhoid creams can help reduce swelling.

Itchiness, Burning, Inflammation

Almost all cases of hemorrhoids, particularly internal hemorrhoids, report burning and itching around the anus. Many times, the inflammation has symptoms similar to diaper rash.

Smelly Stools

All bowel movements have a foul smell. However, bowel movements for those with hemorrhoids with bleeding can be extremely foul smelling.

Loosened Hemorrhoidal TissuesHemorrhoid Symptoms

Hemorrhoid symptoms can advance dramatically and are present in varying degrees.

You may experience internal hemorrhoids that, over time, find their way out of the body after you pass a stool. This type of hemorrhoid is considered a prolapsed hemorrhoid and is caused by increased stress and pressure in the area.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids

Bleeding can occur if the hemorrhoidal tissue is swollen, especially if you are trying to pass a stool. If you have hemorrhoids, look for bright red blood, indicating that the blood is fresh. If dark red, brown, or black blood is present, it is most likely a different medical condition, and you should see your doctor right away. A bleeding hemorrhoid always has bright red blood.

Appearance And Texture Of Hemorrhoids

Pay attention to your hemorrhoid symptoms and the way that they feel. Internal hemorrhoids are much harder to monitor, but you will recognize when your symptoms change if you listen to your body.

External hemorrhoids may alarm or frighten you at first. External hemorrhoids are typically found during bathing or wiping the rectal area. These hemorrhoids feel like a small lump around the anus. Prolapsed hemorrhoids feel more like a bunch of grapes and protrude away from the anal opening.

Prolapsed hemorrhoids develop inside the rectum and over time begin to sag and make their way through the anus. Typically, this happens during defecation. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are usually larger in size and can vary from red to blue to purple.

By knowing your body and looking for subtle changes you can know if your treatment is working.

Hemorrhoid Remedies

The (Only) 7 Treatments For Hemorrhoids

Nothing is more painful than suffering through hemorrhoids, unsure if there’s even a cure. You struggle going through your day with the constant pains and burns. All you need is a treatment that works.

Trust me, we know how you feel. After helping thousands of people heal their hemorrhoids, we discovered the only 7 ways to treat it – and even cure it. Which is why we compiled this helpful list for you below.

Here’s Our #1 Pick To Effectively Cure Hemorrhoids, Naturally

Discover Hemorrhoid.Center’s top pick for a 100% natural and very effective cure to hemorrhoids.
Made with all natural ingredients that work through the blood stream to effectively shrink blood vessels to heal hemorrhoids.

Over-the-Counter Hemorrhoid Remedies

Hemorrhoid RemediesThere are a few popular methods to treat hemorrhoids with over-the-counter options. And how do these remedies reduce the severity of hemorrhoids? By shrinking tissues.

Most treatments available work for both internal and external hemorrhoids and can be very helpful in resolving hemorrhoids. Especially if the hemorrhoids are new or mild in nature.

The Available Treatments Include:

1. Hemorrhoid Cream

Hemorrhoid cream typically utilizes a vasoconstrictor to shrink blood vessels.

2. Astringents

Astringents are common remedies containing ingredients like witch hazel that reduce swelling. They typically work for about 2 to 3 hours before they need to be reapplied.

3. Medicated Wipes or Pads

These are very good for carrying around while you on the go. Wipes typically use protectants that condition the skin and add necessary nutrients. Some of these pads contain astringents.

4. Herbal Remedies

Some of the most effective treatments for hemorrhoids contain herbal remedies that shrink hemorrhoids naturally. Most hemorrhoid remedies use a blend of herbs. To locate an effective herbal remedy for hemorrhoids, look for ingredients like witch hazel, butcher’s broom, and horse chestnut.

Medical Procedures for Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoid RemediesFor severe cases of hemorrhoids, you may need to consider medical intervention. Before considering a medical procedure, take a look at the following alternatives and talk to the doctor about your options.

5. Sclerotherapy

Sclerotherapy is performed by a doctor. An injection is administered into the hemorrhoidal tissue. This procedure uses a chemical hardener to break down hemorrhoid tissue.

At times, repeated treatments may be needed to successfully shrink the hemorrhoids. After proper treatment, the hemorrhoid should fall off during a normal bowel movement. Because of this, continued therapy can permanently get rid of hemorrhoids.

Typically,sclerotherapy is used to treat internal hemorrhoids that are considered bleeding hemorrhoids. It is one of the least invasive procedures that are available for this type of hemorrhoid. The chemical solution that is injected hardens the tissue and causes it to wither away. Typically, the solution used is phenol-based together with almond oil or saline solution as a buffer.

If the hemorrhoids are unusually large, then Sclerotherapy is not the best option.

The main drawback of sclerotherapy is that it does not permanently get rid of hemorrhoids, and they can return in about a year. The second drawback is that if the surgeon is not very skilled in this procedure, mild to severe complications can arise.

6. Rubber Band Ligation

Hemorrhoid RemediesRubber band ligation is one of the most recommended hemorrhoidal remedies in the medical profession. This is because it reduces the recurrence of hemorrhoids.

This procedure uses rubber bands to shrink hemorrhoids by cutting off the blood flow.

After hemorrhoids have time to wither away, they fall off, typically in about a week. This procedure is one of the most popular treatments available because it is minimally invasive as compared to other remedies. The downside of the treatment is that it causes pain in the rectal area and the lower abdomen. This is because of the restrictions imposed on the live tissue in the hemorrhoid. However, if you are willing to put up with the initial pain, you will have relief in about a week’s time.

Rubber band ligation is a great treatment for hemorrhoids and can work for more than one hemorrhoid at a time. Your doctor may recommend treating more than two hemorrhoids at a time. In this case, you will be placed under general anesthesia. Rubber band ligation is one of the more heavily used hemorrhoid remedies. It provides long-lasting relief and there is less recurrence. It is also one of the least expensive options.

7. Infrared Photocoagulation

This treatment is typically referred to as coagulation therapy. It is typically used to treat small to medium-sized hemorrhoids that are internal. The procedure is sometimes used for external hemorrhoids as well.

This therapy employs an intense beam of infrared light to shrink hemorrhoids. Infrared light cuts off the blood supply and causes the hemorrhoid to wither away. The downside is the extreme pain experienced right after the procedure. Make sure that your doctor is comfortable with prescribing pain medication immediately following the procedure before you agree to it. Like sclerotherapy, this remedy has developed a lot of attention over the last five to seven years, which should eventually lead to better procedures with less associated pain.

Here’s Our #1 Pick To Effectively Cure Hemorrhoids, Naturally

Discover Hemorrhoid.Center’s top pick for a 100% natural and very effective cure to hemorrhoids.
Made with all natural ingredients that work through the blood stream to effectively shrink blood vessels to heal hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Treatments

The Best Hemorrhoid Treatments

If you are looking for the best treatment for hemorrhoids, you have come to the right place. Hemorrhoids.org is the #1 source for treatments and remedies for hemorrhoids. We recommend hemorrhoid treatments based on the following nine criteria:

  • EffectivenessHemorrhoid Treatments
  • How Quickly It Works
  • Ingredient Quality
  • Product Safety
  • Customer Service Performance
  • Customer Service Feedback
  • Rate of Reorder
  • Policy for Returns
  • Rate of Success

An Introduction to Hemorrhoids

People from every single country experience the pain and discomfort that is associated with hemorrhoids. We all hear about hemorrhoids, but what are they really? Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a condition of the skin that can occur in people of any age. The condition unfortunately presents itself in a very inconvenient location, the rectum and anus.


Other symptoms of hemorrhoids include swelling, inflammation, itching, burning, pain, and sometimes bleeding. Typically, hemorrhoids occur in people over the age of 50 who live in developed areas of the world. However, this condition can happen to anyone regardless of age, ethnicity or background.

The medical term, hemorrhoid, refers directly to the tissue of the rectum and the anus. This tissue, connected to the cushion around the general area, is very sensitive and has a large amount of veins and blood flow. Sometimes the veins swell and the condition is known as a hemorrhoid. There are several treatments available for this condition, including creams, oils, and sometimes surgery, known as a hemorrhoidectomy.

The Symptoms Of Hemorrhoids

Understanding hemorrhoid symptoms is necessary in order to treat them early and to overcome them.

By being familiar with the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids, you will know when to consult a doctor to determine what type of relief works best for your particular situation. This will let you make the decision necessary to begin treatment today.Hemorrhoid Treatments

  • Swollen, painful veins in the rectal and anal areas. These veins can cause pain, itching and irritation.
  • Severe cases can cause bleeding, and some hemorrhoids are considered internal, so you may not notice the blood until you use the bathroom.
  • A hard lump or swelling near the anal area can be the first symptom of external hemorrhoids.
  • Blood clots in the hemorrhoidal tissue can be a sign of thrombosed external hemorrhoids. This type of hemorrhoid may require surgery.

Why do People get Hemorrhoids?

Medical studies show that several causes are associated with the development of hemorrhoids. The main cause is increased pressure on the tissue in the rectum and anus that occurs over an extended period of time. That’s the main reason that people over 50 experience a higher number of incidences than those around the age of 20. There are other reasons that someone may develop hemorrhoids. For example, digestive problems, diarrhea, and constipation can lead to the  development of the condition.

It is very common for those who have a low intake of dietary fiber to develop this condition. Factors like obesity can have a very great effect on the development of hemorrhoids as well. Other common factors in the development of hemorrhoids include pregnancy, hypertension, and other health factors that increase pressure on or affect the digestive tract.

Getting Rid of Hemorrhoids

If you are looking for a cure for hemorrhoids, advice, or a more advanced treatment, talk to your doctor before making a decision. There are many fast and very effective treatments available at affordable costs.

For symptomatic relief, topical treatment medications are great for relieving swelling, itching, and burning. If you have recently suffered from increased weight, eat a poor diet, or sit on hard surfaces on a regular basis, you may constantly battle hemorrhoids. If you can gain control of these problems, you will greatly decrease your chances of developing a repeat occurrence.

Tips For Long-Term Relief

  • Hemorrhoid TreatmentsEat a diet high in fiber. Increase your vegetable intake and eat a larger number of fruits as well. Include whole-wheat products in your diet. Another way to increase fiber intake is to add supplements that contain psyllium.
  • Try treatments that contain these herbal extracts:  horse-chestnut extract, witch hazel extract, butcher’s broom extract, and bilberry extract. Every one of these herbs can aid in hemorrhoid relief.
  • Use all-natural hemorrhoid treatments that blend science and nature.

If your hemorrhoid problems are ongoing, visit the doctor to determine whether further intervention is necessary.

Sometimes, other problems can lead to the development of hemorrhoids. Persistent problems with hemorrhoids can be a cause of concern for other health problems, like rectal cancer, anal fissures or anal abscesses. Typically, hemorrhoids are not serious, but if they do not go away after trying a few treatments, consult a doctor for a professional opinion.