Hemorrhoid Cures

Where to Find the Best Hemorrhoid Cures

It’s possible to identify the most effective hemorrhoid cure, but the results vary depending on your health, age, and willingness to try various remedies when finding the solution that is best for you. Hemorrhoids can be very troublesome to treat but with a little research, you will find the cure that works for you.

Hemorrhoid CuresTypically, hemorrhoid sufferers find great relief in topical medications found over-the-counter at pharmacies. For others, surgery is the best option for a cure, especially if the hemorrhoid case in question is considered severe. No matter how severe the case of hemorrhoids is, surgery is always risky.

Another option is to rely on alternative hemorrhoid-cure methods. These treatments use herbs as a way to heal hemorrhoids, which is less risky than surgery and over-the-counter treatments and does not cause as many adverse side effects. If you plan to use alternative treatment options, note that using herbal or all-natural ingredients is more of an ongoing strategy than a one week cure-all. Even though it may take a little longer to solve the problem, herbal remedies can provide permanent hemorrhoid cures.

At-Home Remedies

Overall, many home remedies can provide a permanent cure for hemorrhoids. Some hemorrhoid remedies include the use of hydroxyethylrutosides, horse chestnut, hyssops, flavonoids and rutin. These herbs can be found at most health stores and online. They are effective in combating both internal and external hemorrhoids. Another effective at-home treatment are essential oils. The more popular varieties are cypress oil, pelargonium, Italian cypress, and niaouli. A new essential oil that is gaining popularity is Japanese pagoda extract, a recognized cure for hemorrhoids.


Fruits are one of the best cures for hemorrhoids available. Most fruits are high in fiber and help balance a healthy, nutritious diet. This can be very beneficial to those who suffer from hemorrhoids. By combining the addition or increase in fruit to your diet with other hemorrhoid treatment methods, you can greatly relieve symptoms.

Fruits aid in the digestive process and prevent constipation. They allow for softer bowel movements, thus preventing pressure on the anal veins when eliminating. Since the main reason for hemorrhoids is added pressure from straining, ingesting fruit on a regular basis can be a great assistant when looking for a hemorrhoid cure.

The antioxidants in fruits increase the strength of your veins and allow them to become more resistant to swelling. Almost all fruits are great for health, but hemorrhoid sufferers should concentrate on raisins, blackberries, red grapes, plums, cherries, and prunes. Darker colored fruits are better to treat hemorrhoids and provide a better cure.

VitaminsHemorrhoid Cures

Vitamins offer antioxidant properties and, when combined with other remedies, can cure hemorrhoids. Antioxidants are great for the body because they strengthen body tissues and increase the resistance of blood vessels. Vitamins potent and effective in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids include vitamins A, B, and C.

Recommended dosages include two to three intakes per day. Always talk to your doctor before you begin taking a vitamin supplement. Another option is to eat more foods that contain these vitamins. Eating vegetables and fruits like carrots, spinach, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, and kale can be very effective.

If you choose to take a vitamin supplement, consult your doctor before you start to ensure that it will not negatively interact with any current medication you take.

Dealing With Hemorrhoids

Treating Hemorrhoids at Home

You can treat hemorrhoids at home using sitz baths and products that contain witch hazel in combination with other inexpensive remedies. If you feel very sensitive, you can use baby wipes to clean the area.

Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a great way to treat the discomfort associated with hemorrhoids. This natural ingredient also helps to dramatically shrink the size of hemorrhoids and brings temporary relief. You can apply witch hazel through a sitz bath or directly, using a cotton ball for at least a few minutes.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is another inexpensive home treatment for hemorrhoids. This oil helps reduce itching and swelling. Never apply olive oil internally, only to hemorrhoids that are considered external.

Sitz Bath

Dealing With HemorrhoidsMany people are surprised to learn that simple water can soothe many of the discomforts of hemorrhoids. Soak the rectum for 10 minutes every day. After soaking, use cold compresses on the area to reduce swelling. To properly soak the area, you may need to invest in a sitz bath basin.

If you are suffering from a flare up of symptoms, soak in a sitz bath for 10 minutes several times per day, then apply a cold compress to the inflamed area for additional relief. Another option is to sit in a warm bath while keeping the knees elevated. The warm water can help ease inflammation and irritation. Slightly warm water increases blood flow to the area, which in turn keeps pain and swelling to a minimum. This combination keeps symptoms under control to allow healing.

In many cases, you can treat hemorrhoids at home. In some cases, it is not even necessary to see a doctor, especially if your symptoms are minor. However, if you have chronic hemorrhoids, keep remedies on hand; this lets you treat symptoms as soon as they begin. Starting treatment right away increases the chances to successfully treat your specific hemorrhoid needs at home.

Bleeding Hemorrhoids – An Overview

Bleeding Hemorrhoids & What To Do About Them

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - An OverviewHemorrhoids are a medical condition in which the blood vessels in and around the rectal area are stressed or strained. This results in pain, itching, irritation, or other discomfort. Hemorrhoids, also called hemroids, sometimes cause bleeding, which tends to occur when one passes a stool. It may be alarming to see blood streaked in one’s stool, but it is important to remain calm. There are hemorrhoid remedies that can help.

Nature of the Condition

Bleeding is typically associated with internal hemorrhoids. This is because external hemorrhoids do not typically bleed. Even though most doctors associate bloody stools with internal hemorrhoids, there are other conditions that may behave in this manner, such as anal fissures and anal cancer. If you see blood during the passing of stool or at the end of a bowel movement, it is typically a case of hemorrhoids.

If the condition continues to worsen, hemorrhoids can become thrombosed, where blood becomes clotted inside the hemorrhoid. This leads to the hemorrhoid protruding from the anus. The resulting swelling is often accompanied by pain and itching. The bleeding occurring with hemorrhoids typically results from the squeezing motion and friction of straining to pass a hard bowel movement when one is constipated.

Very rarely does excessive bleeding occur. Also very rare is anemia associated and treated with hemorrhoids. If you feel extreme pain or have severe bleeding at any time, seek medical care immediately.

How to Tell if  you have Bleeding Hemorrhoids

The most obvious indicator of bleeding hemorrhoids is blood in the stool. There are additional indicators that let you determine whether it is blood from hemorrhoids or something else.

First, look at the blood and determine its color. Is the blood red, brown, or black? Blood from a bleeding hemorrhoid will always be red because it is fresh. If the blood is brown or black, it could be a more serious condition and you should see your doctor right away.

Never ignore or brush off rectal bleeding, even if it is due to a bleeding hemorrhoid. In all cases of rectal bleeding, see a doctor. This is because it could be a sign of a more serious condition, such as, anal fissures, torn tissue, or an infection. The doctor will use a scope to examine your rectum and colon in order to determine the origin of the bleeding.

Doctors can confirm whether the blood is in fact coming from a bleeding hemorrhoid or something more. They will also let you know if the treatment you are using is effective.

Bleeding Hemorrhoid TreatmentsBleeding Hemorrhoids - An Overview

What can you do about bleeding hemorrhoids? Several types of hemorrhoid cures are available that can help you feel more comfortable in a very short period of time.


One of the most available treatments to improve comfort is hemorrhoid cream. Creams and ointments can help reduce swelling, itching, and tenderness associated with bleeding hemorrhoids.


Sclerotherapy is an injection or series of injections inserted into the tissue of the hemorrhoid. These injections contain chemicals that help dissolve and remove hemorrhoids. But this treatment does not prevent the eventual recurrence of hemorrhoids.

Rubber Banding, or Surgery

In rubber band therapy, doctors cut off the blood supply to bleeding hemorrhoids. After the blood supply is cut off, the hemorrhoid should wither away, fall off, and be expelled during a bowel movement. While this procedure has a high success rate, it can be very painful because of the squeezing. More advanced cases of hemorrhoids may require surgery. However, a hemorrhoidectomy is typically a last resort after all other options have been tried. As expected, surgery is a risky procedure, only considered in cases of a severely bleeding hemorrhoid.

Pregnancy & Hemorrhoids

Pregnancy & Hemorrhoids: an Overview

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that can develop during pregnancy. The reasons for their development are fairly simple. Hemorrhoids can occur when there is prolonged pressure on the veins in the rectal area. The weight of the developing fetus strains these veins to the point that they can easily become hemorrhoids. This is most common in the third trimester when the baby reaches its maximum weight.

Pregnancy & HemorrhoidsBeyond the weight of the baby, other factors can cause the development of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The pregnancy hormone, progesterone, can soften the walls of the rectum, making it easier for hemorrhoids to develop. It is also common for pregnant women to develop constipation. This results in straining while eliminating waste during bowel movements, which also can lead to hemorrhoids.

When hemorrhoids do develop, most women experience itching or pain in the area. Sometimes the hemorrhoid is visible and looks like inflamed tissue that looks a lot like a blister. Some women experience bleeding hemorrhoids, which occurs when the tissue lacerates. Also, varicose veins, which are similar to hemorrhoids, may occur in the legs.

Treatment of Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy

A large number of different treatment options are available for hemorrhoid sufferers during pregnancy. It is essential to eat a diet rich in fiber and high in fluids, both of which aid in the overall health of the bowels and the prevention of constipation.

Pregnant women typically use sitz baths to treat hemorrhoids , where they can sit in warm water that soaks the area around the anus. This helps relieve the symptoms typical of hemorrhoids. Other alternatives are cold compresses or ice packs. These have a very soothing effect, and pregnant women typically use them to greatly reduce the swelling and pain associated with hemorrhoids.

A great majority of pregnant women have reported success when using hemorrhoid pads, like Tucks. However, use great caution with any hemorrhoid treatment method because some can result in complications. Always consult your doctor before resorting to any form of hemorrhoid relief treatment.

One of the most popular treatments for pregnant women is a witch hazel pad. Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can relieve swelling and inflammation. While the pads are effective for some women, others have reported a worsening of their condition. 

Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles in the vaginal and rectal areas and can prevent hemorrhoids. Studies have shown that these same exercises help treat hemorrhoids by improving circulation in the rectal area and making it less likely that blood pool and swelling will occur.

It can be extremely disheartening to develop hemorrhoids during pregnancy, especially if the woman is experiencing a difficult one. However, it is quite common and is not a threat to the baby’s health or the mother’s.

Even though hemorrhoids are a common problem that occur in pregnant women, consult with your doctor, so you can be sure that the condition is in fact hemorrhoids. Your doctor can make sure that they don’t develop into a more serious condition or become extremely uncomfortable.