Rising LidaZone HC Cream Review

Rising LidaZone HC Cream is an anti-inflammatory product that is used to treat rectal inflammation such as hemorrhoids and any other inflammations that the doctor deemed to be in need of caring. It comes in a tube like container that is best for cream use. The packaging image of the product may vary that is why you should not be confused if it is different from the one that is advertised.

What Does The Product Claim To Do?

The product claims to treat any occurring or recurring rectal inflammation that is being a bother to your daily living. It can also be a cure for other kinds of inflammation as prescribed by the doctor. It targets the redness and the swelling thus making it settle down and change everything back to normal and or the way that it should be.

Ingredients Of Rising LidaZone HC Cream

  • This ingredient is responsible for the anesthetic effect or the numbness.
  • Hydrocortisone acetate. This component is responsible for the suppression of inflammation.


The amount that should be applied can be taken from the prescription of the doctor. Using the applicator stick, you must get a hold of the right amount that can cover the inflammation of your rectum. There is no indicated specific dosage for this product.

Possible Side Effects

There may be a temporary redness and swelling. Also, a burning and itching sensation can be felt for the first few days of application. However, if these side effects become persistent, then it is high time to consult and heed consultation from your attending physician. Irritation may also occur and other allergic reactions that are caused by the reaction of the products’ ingredients to your own body mechanism.

Will Rising LidaZone HC Cream Produce A Long Term Result?

Yes. The product claims to completely get rid of the inflammation as long as you use it on a regular basis.


The product costs 94usd which is quite expensive compared to other products.


There are no claims for any money back guarantee because the manufacturer is confident about the efficacy of Rising LidaZone HC Cream.

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Blue Shield Of California Review

Hemorrhoids can be a very distressing experience. It can hamper your everyday schedule and would even disrupt your lifestyle and day to day activities. Even a simple task as mere sitting would cause pain and discomfort especially if you intend to not do something about it. Thus, it is best that one should better equip yourself with the right and the best solution that will ultimately be a “be all and an end all” solution to the problem of hemorrhoids.

There is a lot of discomfort that is attributable to hemorrhoids. And in this case, there could be also a lot of solutions for this problem. To be in particular, the Blue Shield of California Hydrocortisone Cream is considered to be one of your most viable solutions.

Blue Shield Of California Ingredients

The main and key ingredient of this product is hydrocortisone. This substance helps in the itching and any possible inflammation that may happen in the said affected areas. It also contains the following inactive ingredients:

  • Cetyl alcohol
  • Citric acid
  • Citric acid solution
  • Glyceryl stearate
  • Isoprophyl Myristate
  • Methylparaben
  • Propylparaben
  • Purified water


Wash the affected area with warm soap and water. After which, apply a thin layer of the Blue Shield of California Hydrocortisone Cream on the said affected area and that one must be able to do it for about 4-5 times on a daily basis.

Possible Side Effects

The following side effects may occur although it may not always be the case:

  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Burning
  • Contact Dermatitis


This product would cost around $87.33.

Blue Shield Of California Guarantee

There is a money back guarantee that is being offered in this product. As long as there are some damages or if the product is not working entirely, one may be able to ask for a return or a replacement.


The said price of the product would be reason enough for most people to be discouraged to buy this.

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Carmol HC Review

Carmol HC is considered to be one of the topical ointments that are generally used as a topical steroid. It is also best for anal itching, hemorrhoids, and eczema. Indeed, such conditions can be very embarrassing and that it can cause quite a discomfort for your lifestyle and everyday living.

You shouldn’t need to live life like this. With Carmol HC, it can be your best defense against such skin conditions. Moreover, given the ingredients that it contains, one may surely be rest assured of a solution to your problem.

Ingredients In Carmol HC

The following are the ingredients of Carmol HC. The first ingredient as noted is the main and the key ingredient while the succeeding ones are the inactive ingredients.

  • Hydrocortizone Acetate: The main purpose of this ingredient is to relieve pain, itching, and also swelling.
  • Edetate Disodium
  • Urea
  • Water
  • Cetyl Alcohol
  • Stearic Acid
  • Sodium Metabisulfitate
  • Propylene Glycol


One must be able to apply a considerable amount of thin layer of Carmol HC on the affected areas. This must be done for 3-4 times in a daily basis or whenever needed.

Possible Side Effects:

However it may be considered to be very unlikely but the following side effects may possibly occur:

  • Burning
  • Allergic Contact dermatitis
  • Maceration of the skin
  • Dryness
  • Skin Atrophy
  • Hypertrichosis
  • Folliculitis
  • Striae

How Much Is Carmol HC?

This topical steroid product Carmol HC costs around $24.35. However, there are some online stores that would also allow free discounts. Thus, one may be able to enjoy it for as low as $21.95.


There has been no known guarantee that has been provided in various online sites when it comes to guarantees. Thus, you won’t be rest assured that you will be able to give your money back if you find out that this is not at all effective for you.


Indeed, the Carmol HC may be FDA approved and prescribed but know that this product may only help you with the symptoms of your very cause of skin problem.

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Proctocream HC Review

It is very much true that skin problems and skin irritations are not only just your ordinary skin infection; it may also be the very reason for your discomfort and stress. Now, it should not always be like this as there is a great solution in order to alleviate such a condition. In this case, it is so much better that one must find a great solution even without ever having to go to a dermatologist.

With the help of the Proctocream HC, one would be able to finally enjoy a soothing solution for your potentially embarrassing problem. Proctocream HC is a hydrocortisone cream which is considered to be a synthetic steroid that will help you with a lot of external skin conditions.

Ingredients In Proctocream HC

The following are the ingredients of the Proctocream HC:

  • Hydrocortisone
  • Paraffin
  • glyceryl monostearate
  • stearyl alcohol
  • lactic acid
  • isopropyl palmitate

It is basically composed of the hydrocortisone which is about 2.5% in content. Each of this works their way to making this product effective.


In order to provide relief for any form of inflammation and signs of pruritic manifestation, this should be applied on the affected area on a daily basis as often as possible.

Possible Side Effects

If one is highly allergic to hydrocortisone, extreme care should be applied or one must seek the approval of your doctor. There might be adverse side effects such as burning and contact dermatitis once this will be applied.

How Much Is The Proctocream HC?

This topical steroid product Proctocream HC would cost around $24.99.


There has been no known sure guarantee that you are indeed buying with security for Proctocream HC. Once it will be found to be not effective on you, unfortunately you are faced with the burden of having to deal with it and not being able to return it on the account of not being too effective.


It is quite unfortunate that Proctocream HC only solves the problem when the symptoms of the said skin irritation would only occur.

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CVS Hemorrhoidal Cooling Gel with Vitamin E Review

The CVS Hemorrhoidal Cooling Gel with Vitamin E & Aloe is a pain reliever product that is prescribed for rectal irritations such as hemorrhoids. It is does not have any scent and it comes in a tube like container that is careful sealed. It usually has a 0.9oz of component. There is no other packaging that is given by the manufacturers.

What It Claims To Do?

The product claims to be non-greasy and has a good cooling effect that gets rid of any burning feeling. It also claims in shrinking swollen parts of the rectum caused by the inflammation. All in all, it claims to relieve the user from any external discomfort that a rectal inflammation has.

Ingredients In CVS Hemorrhoidal Cooling Gel With Vitamin E

  • This ingredient is used to relieve a person from any irritation or discomforting feeling.
  • Witch Hazel. It is used as an astringent and also to relieve hemorrhoids.
  • Aloe Vera Gel, Benzophenone, Edetate Disodium, Hydroxyethelcellulose, Methylparaben, Polysorbate 80, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Citrate, Vitamin E. These are inactive ingredients which serve as an excipient of the product.


CVS Hemorrhoidal Cooling Gel with Vitamin E & Aloe needs to be applied up to 4 times per day especially during night time to have best results.

Possible Side Effects

It may cause bleeding if placed in an abundant amount. There are no other possible side effects; however, it is very important that you consult a doctor upon using the product for any reactions.

Will It Produce Long Term Effects?

The product can totally get rid of the infection given the fact that it is used constantly and or regularly.

How Much Does It Cost?

It costs $6.49$ which is cheaper compared to other anti-inflammatory products. This is to ensure that a wide coverage of consumers can benefit from the product.


There are no claims for any money back guarantee considering that it is very cheap.

Is It Worth Buying?

The product is an average type of anti-inflammatory product. It is also very affordable that it attracts a lot of buyers.

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Kaiser Permanente Prep-Hem Review

Kaiser Permanente Prep-Hem is a suppository for the relief of pain and discomfort brought about by hemorrhoids.

When inserted in the rectum, its sympathomimetic traits work by narrowing the swollen blood vessels thereby lessening the burning sensation.

The product is to be used only as a suppository and is not to be swallowed as it may cause overdose.

Kaiser Permanente Prep-Hem – What It Really Contains

Kaiser Permanente Prep-Hem contains the following active ingredients:

  • Zinc oxide
  • Shark liver oil
  • Phenylephrine hydrochloride

There is no information of how much each ingredient consists in one suppository.


Generally, the product can be used up to 4 times a day. It is to be used after each bowel movement, or once in the morning and once at night. However, a physician might advice otherwise depending on the patient’s need.

Using the Kaiser Permanente Prep-Hem suppository follows strict direction for use. Prior to inserting the product in the rectum, make sure to check and understand the directions.

Possible Side Effects

Allergic reaction to this product is extremely rare. There are some reported side effects but they are considered mild. If the rectal area has acquired open wounds, the patient might experience a burning sensation. If using the product has no effects or if the condition worsens, it is best to seek help from a professional.

Other reported side effects include:

  • Tremors
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Sleeping trouble
  • Nervousness
  • Headache
  • Breathing trouble
  • Dizziness
  • Skin rash

How Much Is Kaiser Permanente Prep-Hem?

A box of Prep-Hem containing 24 suppositories costs $12.36, although it can be bought per piece at $0.52. The price can be lowered if the store where the product is bought offers special codes.


It is hard to find a money-back guarantee info concerning the product. Also, there is little info with regards where the product can be safely bought.


The product is still available, which means people are still buying it. However, the lack of proper information online may turn off some customers.

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Hemorrhoid Causes

What Causes Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemoroids, is a painful condition that is not life-threatening. This health condition affects millions of people all over the world and is focused more in industrialized nations, like the United States. Whether you have internal hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids you will want to determine what is causing them and what is aggravating the condition. Extensive medical research shows that hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure on the veins in the rectal area. Of course, this can be caused by a wide range of factors including the following.


Hemorrhoid CausesStraining during a bowel movement causes a lot of stress on veins in the rectum. It can also add stress to existing hemorrhoids. Straining is of course a secondary response to the condition of constipation, which can be fixed. A diet that is deficient in fiber is known as one of the main causes of constipation. Adding fiber to your diet is easy. Simply adding vegetables, fruits and whole grains can reduce the symptoms of constipation. This should be used in combination with other hemorrhoid relief cures, either over the counter medications or herbal supplements.

A fiber deficiency is not the only reason for straining in the bathroom. Inappropriate positioning on the toilet can also cause the need to strain to pass a bowel movement. Meats and refined foods can make bowel movements hard and dry. This will increase pressure on the rectal veins. Increase your fluid and fiber intake for optimum results.

Modern toilets have a seat that can be a very common cause of hemorrhoids. Passing stools in a squatting position is the most natural way to eliminate waste, which explains why those in third world countries do not suffer from hemorrhoids as often as those in industrialized nations.

Obesity or Being Overweight

Obesity is noted to be another cause of hemorrhoids. Carrying around excess weight is typically associated with a sedentary or stationary lifestyle. Without exercise, your body will be more prone to developing hemorrhoids. The added weight in your abdominal area can affect the rectal veins and place increased pressure in this area. If you currently live a sedentary lifestyle you are at risk for developing hemorrhoids or aggravating existing hemorrhoids.

Cleaning too Frequently or too Roughly

Of course you need to clean your bottom after you use the bathroom. Using baby wipes can also be done to avoid hemorrhoids. However, clean the area gently so you do not cause swelling of the rectal veins. Using firm pressure can cause irritation, especially to those who have sensitive skin.

The habit of wiping too hard and for too long can cause hemorrhoids more often than previously thought. Also, this action can aggravate existing hemorrhoids. It is important to wipe slow and gently with a damp cloth, baby wipes, or unscented toilet paper.

If you do experience mild symptoms of hemorrhoids after wiping to hard, use a hemorrhoid cream right away. Make sure that the cream you use provides a cooling sensation to the affected area.

Heavy LiftingHemorrhoid Causes

Lifting heavy objects on a regular basis can lead to or increase hemorrhoid activity. Playing high-energy or strenuous sports can also cause or aggravate them. Activities like this produce pressure on the rectal veins. While it is important to live an active lifestyle, don’t play strenuous sports on a regular basis.

Anal Sex

Anal sex can be a contributing factor to hemorrhoids. This depends on your body’s natural response to stress in this area. You may want to consider abstaining from anal sex if you are sensitive to physical stress in the anal area.

Pregnancy And Childbirth

The weight associated with a growing fetus and pushing during labor can cause hemorrhoid activity. The increased weight carried during pregnancy can place added pressure on the rectal veins.

Some women may get hemorrhoids during their first pregnancy. Other women may experience hemorrhoids progressively through each pregnancy. The rate at which a pregnant woman experiences hemorrhoids depends on the body’s natural response.

Child birth, due to its intense pushing, can cause temporary hemorrhoids that go away after a few weeks. Consult your doctor to determine whether to use an herbal remedy in aiding healing and to decide whether a specific treatment is safe for you.

Hemorid three tier Review

The manufacturers of Hemorrid claim that the product they sell to combat hemorrhoid pain and flair up is all natural even down to the capsule being made from natural plants. While the holistic aspect is intriguing, it is also claimed that Hemorrid treats hemorrhoids in three ways. First, by having ingredients that promote healthy vein regrowth and circulation. Secondly, this product includes a treatment for easy bowel movement. And last, there is a supplement included which aids in digestion. So the makers of Hemorrid claim that this three tiered strategy for treatment is a holistic method of regaining lost health due to poor exercise and living habits such as diet and alcohol consumption.

Hemorrid Ingredients


  • Included for its supposed anti-inflammatory effect by the production of cortisone and aldosterone.

Coptis Chinensis

  • Selected for its antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti inflammatory-properties. It is a common ingredient in formulas treating irritable bowel disorder.


  • A common diuretic which treats diarrhea, fatigue, lack of appetite, and edema.

Jujuba Fruit

  • Used as a tonifying ingredient to help reduce fatigue, lack of appetite, and loose stools due to weak digestive system.

Angelica Sinensis

  • Reputed to tonify the blood. Promotes the circulation of blood. Said to have natural anti-inflammatory properties and a good source of vitamin B12.


  • Also an anti-inflammatory

Possible Side Effects

There are no known side effects reported from the use of Hemorrid, and the recommended dosage is three to four capsules twice per day.


Hemorrid comes in bottles containing 100 capsules and can be purchased online for approximately $49.00 per bottle (sale price, regularly $59). If you take the recommended dosage then your first bottle is a half months supply.

Hemorrid Guarantee

The Hemorrid makers guarantee their product but will only accept unopened bottles for return; furthermore, the company requires that you enclose your packing slip or a copy of your order when you return their product.


While Hemorrid is unique in it’s three tier strategy in treating all areas of the body that ultimately effect hemorrhoid pain, it seems to be more of an accessory to a lifestyle change than it is a medication.

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Hemorrhoid Bolus Review

The Hemorrhoid Bolus packaging is simple and straightforward. There is no hype here, but the website begs to differ. The claim to fame here is that this product reduces the life of hemorrhoids in half, nearly eliminating pain.

The natural powdered down herbs are combined in pure cocoa butter that is healthy for your body and effective.

However, there seems to be a lack of information regarding dosing and ingredient information. Further research into this product was necessary.

Hemorrhoid Bolus Ingredients

There was no complete list of ingredients to be found, only key ingredients. You will only find that it contains:

  • Witch hazel leaf (hamamelis/soothes)
  • Goldenseal (anti-inflammatory)
  • Xian He Cao / Agrimony (astringent that stops bleeding)


The recommended dosage is 1-3 nightly before bed, with full instructions on label.

Without a full disclose of the ingredients, it is difficult to know what the side effects can include, but one of the key ingredients does have some potentially ugly effects. Side effects of key ingredient goldenseal may include:

  • digestive complaints
  • nervousness
  • depression
  • constipation
  • rapid heartbeat
  • diarrhea
  • stomach cramps and pain
  • mouth ulcer
  • nausea
  • seizures
  • vomiting
  • central nervous system depression

High doses may cause breathing problems, paralysis, and even death. In addition to this laundry list, there is actually no current evidence to determine whether goldenseal is effective for any conditions.


For one bottle of Hemorrhoid Bolus, the priceis set at $16.95 which includes 12 boluses. This product can be purchased in a larger quantity, which could be a necessity given the number of boluses required nightly and the number included in a pack. The label also states that more boluses may be required initially for severe cases or those left untreated for a time.

Hemorrhoid Bolus Guarantee

The website does not list any money back guarantee. They do require priority or express mail ordering however as they claim they will not refund money on a product that has melted due to summer heat.


The price tag may initially seem pleasing to the eye given the higher prices for larger-quantity hemorrhoid relief products, but don’t let that first glance fool you. Given the number of boluses you’ll need to use on a nightly bases and what is included, you’ll easily need to make a few orders, especially for more severe cases. In addition, the site recommends you make an additional purchase of their VAIN balm for optimal relief. Add that all up and are looking at a pricey product.

No consumer feedback was to be found on this item, leaving one to wonder the effectiveness of this product. Does it work or not? For the low initial cost, it might be worth a try to find out, but then given the severity of your hemorrhoids, the 12 boluses alone might not cut it for you.

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HemMed Hemorrhoid Treatment Review

A plain white label encases this small bottle of HemMed. Claiming 5-7 day results, the triple action therapy hemorrhoid management program is said to rapidly shrink hemorrhoid tissue and soothe and reduce inflammation. Setting aside this big time promise for a moment, let’s shed some light on this name. Do you think the creators of this pill thought the name through? If you try and Google HemMed, you will find hemmed, feeding you pages of content that has nothing to do with hemorrhoids. This can easily become confusing when you try and do your own research on the product. There is virtually no websites that can give any additional information on this product. Essentially, they are lacking internet awareness. Does this have anything to do with their confusing moniker or is there simply no customer interaction besides the testimonials that exist on their website?

HemMed Hemorrhoid Treatment Ingredients

HemMed contains:

  • Witch hazel leaf– 800mg
  • Horse chestnut leaf – 200mg
  • Ginger root– 100mg
  • Blonde Psyllium – 100mg
  • Hesperidin – 100mg
  • Diosmin – 300mg

*Witch hazel and horse chestnut leaf, two of the main ingredients, each come with a risk of vomiting and upset stomach.

*You should not take diosmin for more than three months without medical supervision.

*Some people experience an allergic response to blond psyllium.


The recommended dosage is 3 capsules taken daily with meals. Because of all the different ingredients in the blend, side-effects can include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain

If you have diabetes, then you will need to check your blood sugar level regularly while taking this medication. Horse chestnut is known to lower blood sugar levels, and so it must not be taken with certain diabetic medications. Anyone with allergies to latex should not take supplements containing this herb without first consulting a physician.


There are different treatment options, but the cheapest seems to be the one week treatment that is priced at $39.95. Each bottle contains 90 capsules. Although the promise is to heal hemorrhoids in 5-7 days, the website recommends a two week treatment which boosts the price to $59.95. Hmm, so much for the quick turnaround. It appears as if you’ll need to take the same dosage as many other hemorrhoid pills, making this product less result-driven than we first thought.

HemMed Hemorrhoid Treatment Guarantee

A 60 day no-risk guarantee is offered for this product. While this guarantee is a smaller window that competing brands, if their claim is all they say it is, the 60-days is a generous offer.


As with any product without consumer feedback, you can rely only on the word of the seller. Considering we’re deadlocked in results, there is nowhere to turn for definitive results. You can bite the bullet and do a trial run, but you had better make certain you fit within those 60 days if the hype doesn’t live up to reality and you want a full refund.

The varying side effects of this blend of ingredients are also a determining factor. Which is the lesser of the two evils? Do you want to gamble your risks of being one of the unfortunate who experiences these side effects?

Unfortunately the lack of reviews says it all. Without knowing how many people saw positive results, it makes the question of purchasing a tough one. Combine that with the lack of information on the product and you have quite a puzzler on your hands.

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